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Acronyms from V to Z


VAC - Violence Against children
VAT - Value added tax
VAW - Violence Against Women
VfM - Value for Money
VHND - Village Health & Nutrition Day
VHW - Village Health Worker
VISION - Virtual Integrated System of Information
VLA - Volunteer Living Allowance
VSLA/G - Village Savings and Loans Association/Group


WAHO - West African Health Organization
WASH - Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
WASH BAT - WASH Bottleneck Analysis Tool
WB - World Bank
WBS - Work Breakdown Structure
WCAR - West and Central Africa Region
WCARO - West and Central Africa Regional Office
WFFC - World Fit For Children (Declaration and Plan of Action)
WFP - World Food Programme
WHO - World Health Organization
WICR - Walk-in Cold-Room
WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization
WiS - WASH in Schools (programme)
WG - Working Group
WMO - World Meteorological Organization
WSC - World Summit for Children
WSP - Water Safety Planning OR World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
WSUP - Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor
WTO - World Trade Organization
WWN - Water Waste Network


XDR-TB - extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis

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