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Acronyms from A to C


A&A - Adaptation & Acceleration
AAP - Accountability for Affected Populations
AC - Annual Consultation
ADAP - Adolescent Development and Participation
ACABQ - Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions
ACF - Action Contre la Faim
ACLs - accelerated learning centres
ACMO - Additional Chief Medical Officer
ACT - Allocation and Ceiling Tracker
ACT-A - Access to Covid-19 Tools Accelerator
ACT-A SFF - Access to Covid-19 Tools Accelerator, Supplies Financing Fund
AD - Auto-Destruct Syringe
ADB - Asian Development Bank
AEFI - adverse event following immunization
AES/JE - Acute Encephalitis Syndrome/Japanese Encephalitis
AfDB - African Development Bank
AfricaSan - Africa Conference on Sanitation and Hygiene
AI - Administrative Instruction (procedure) OR Artificial Intelligence
AIDS - Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
AMCOW - African Ministers' Council on Water
AMP - Annual Management Plan
AMR - Antimicrobial Resistance
ANM - Auxiliary Nurse Midwife
AOB - Any Other Business
APA - Advanced Preparedness Action OR Advance Purchase Agreement
APEC - Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
AROPE - At risk of poverty or social exclusion
ARR - Annual Results Report
ART - Antiretroviral Treatment
ARV - Antiretroviral
ASEAN - Association of Southeast Asian Nations
ASHA - Accredited Social Health Activist
ASG - Assistant Secretary-General
AU - African Union
AUDA - Africa Union Development Agency
AWP - Annual Work Plan
AWW - Anganwadi Worker


B4R - Business for Results
BA - Business Area
BAB - Board Approved Budget
BAFO - Best And Final Offer
BAT - Bottleneck Analysis Tool
BCA - Basic Cooperation Agreement
BCC - Behaviour Change Communication
BCG - Bacille Calmette-Guérin (Tuberculosis Vaccine)
BCP - Business Continuity Plan
BCPM - Block Community Process Manager
BEmONC - Basic Emergency Obstetric and New-born Care
BFT - Business Formulation Tool
BIA - Best interests assessment
BID - Best interests determination
BIR - Business Information Reporting
BMA - Budget Management Allotment (Institutional Budget Allotment)
BMT - Baseline, Milestones, Targets
BOS - Business Operations Strategy
BPHS - Basic Package of Health Services
BPRM - United States Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration
BR - Bank Reconciliation
BRAC - Bangladesh Rehabilitation Assistance Committee
BRD - Business Requirements Document


C4D - Communication for Development
CAG - Cash Assistance to Government
CAP - Consolidated Appeals Process
CAPO - Child Affairs Police Officer
CATS - Community Approaches to Total Sanitation
CAAC - Children and Armed Conflict
CARICOM - Caribbean Community
CBA - Community Based Approaches
CBE - Community Based Education
CBF - Common Budgetary Framework
CBO - Community-based organization OR Common Back Office
CC - Common Chapter
CCA - Common Country Assessment OR Climate Change Adaptation
CCD - Care for Child Development
CCC - Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action
CCSA - Committee for Co-ordination of Statistical Activities
CCS-UN - the Committee of Chief Statisticians of the UN
CEAP - Corporate Emergency Activation Procedure
CEB - UN System Chief Executive Board for Coordination OR Chief Executives Board
CEDAW - Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
CEE - Climate, Energy, and Environment OR obsolete term for ECAR
CELAC - Community of Latin American and Caribbean States
CEMAC - Central African Economic and Monetary Community
CEN-SAD - Community of Sahelo-Saharan States
CEP - Costed Evaluation Plan
CEPGL - Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries
CER - Consolidated Emergency Report
CERD - International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
CERF - Central Emergency Relief Fund
CFAF - Communauté Financière Africaine
CFC - Caring For the Caregivers
CFLG - Child Friendly Local Governance
CFM - Complaints and Feedback Mechanism
CFS - Child-friendly School OR Change of Funding Source OR Child Friendly Space
CFSS - Child Friendly Schools and Systems
CHAI - Clinton Health Access Initiative
CHAP - Common Humanitarian Action Plan
CHS - Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability
CHW - Community Health Worker
CHTE - Complex and High Threat Environment
CIS - Commonwealth of Independent States OR obsolete term for ECAR
CIT - Country In Transition
CLA - Cluster Lead Agency
CLAC - Climate Landscape Analysis for Children
CLTS - Community-Led Total Sanitation
CM - Community Mobilization
CMAM - community-based management of acute malnutrition
CMC - Community Management Committee
CMCA - Common Multi-Country Assessment
CMS - Central Medical Stores
CMT - Country Management Team
CNA - Compendium for Nutrition Actions
CO - Country Office
COAP - Country Office Annual Plan
COAR - Country Office Annual Report
CODAS - Country Office Development And Support                   
CoP - Community of Practice
CO PAT - Country Office Post Authorization Table
COSA - Country Office Staff Association
COSO - Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission
COVID-19 - ‘CO’ stands for corona, ‘VI’ for virus, ‘D’ for disease, and ‘19’ for 2019 (year first identified).
CP - Country Programme of Cooperation OR Child Protection
CPAN - Child Protection Action Network
CPAP - Country Programme Action Plan
CPD - Country Programme Document
CPE - Country Programme Evaluation
CPiE - Child Protection in Emergencies
CPMP - Country Programme Management Plan
CPMS - Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
CRAVE - Country Reporting and Validation Exercise
CRB - Children's Rights and Business
CRC - Convention on the Rights of the Child OR Contract Review Committee
CRIs - Core Relief Items
CRM - Child Rights Monitoring
CRPD - Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
CRVS - Civil Registration and Vital Statistics
CSE - Comprehensive Sexuality Education
CSG - Child Safeguarding
CSI - Country Strategic Indicators
CSO - Civil Society Organisation OR Country Status Overview
CSP - Civil Society Partnerships
CwD - Children with Disabilities

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