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Acronyms from D to F


DALY – Disability Adjusted Life Year
DANIDA - Danish International Development Agency
DAPM - Division of Data, Analytics, Planning and Monitoring
DASEWU - Define Acronyms So Everyone Will Understand!
DaO - Delivering as One
DC - District Council
DCT - Direct Cash Transfers
DED - Deputy Executive Director
DEI - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
DDI - Data Documentation Initiative
DFAM - Division of Financial and Administrative Management
DFATD - Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, Canada
DHR - Division of Human Resources
DHS - Domestic Household Survey OR Demographic and Health Survey
DIMCI - Distant-learning Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses
DMT - Disaster Management Team
DoA - Description of Assignment
DOC - Division of Communication
DP - Direct Payment
DPIA - Data Protection Impact Assessment
DPRK - Democratic People's Republic of Korea
DROPS (meeting) - Deputy Representatives and Operations Managers
DRC - Democratic Republic of Congo
DRD - Deputy Regional Director
DRR - Disaster Risk Reduction
DSA - Daily Subsistence Allowance OR Data Sharing Agreement OR Donor Statement by Activity
DSPL - DataSet Publishing Language
DTC - Diarrhea Treatment Centres
DTP - Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis vaccine


E&E - efficiency and effectiveness (in programming and operations)
EA - Availability Assessment
EAC - East African Community
EAPR - East Asia and Pacific Region
EAPRO - East Asia and Pacific Regional Office
EAR - Emergency Appeal Reference
EBF - Exclusive breastfeeding
EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
ECA - Economic Commission for Africa
ECAR - Europe and Central Asia Region
ECARO - Europe and Central Asia Regional Office
ECCAS - Economic Community of Central African States
ECCE - Early Childhood Care and Education
ECD - Early Childhood Development
ECE - Economic Commission for Europe OR Early Childhood Education
ECHO - European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department
ECLAC - Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
ECM - Enterprise Content Management
ECOWAS - Economic Community of West African States
ECW - Education Cannot Wait
EDAR - Annual Report of the Executive Director of UNICEF
EEFO - Earliest-Expiry-First-Out
EFA - Education for All
EFPs - Essential Family Practices
EFTA - European Free Trade Association
eGRC - Enterprise Governance, Risk and Compliance
EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment
EiE - Education in Emergencies
EISI - Evidence Information Systems Integration
eLMIS - Electronic Logistics Management Information System
EMIS - Education Management Information System
EML - Essential Medicines List
EmONC - Emergency Obstetric and New-born Care
EMOPS - Office of Emergency Programmes
EMT - Emergency Management Team
eMTCT - Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission (of HIV)
ENAP - Every Newborn Action Plan
EOI - Expressions of Interest
EOD - Entry on Duty
EoYR - End of Year Report
EPF - Emergency Programme Fund
EPI - Expanded Programme on Immunization
EPP - Emergency Preparedness Platform
EPRP - Emergency preparedness response plan
ERC - Emergency Relief Coordinator
ERM - Enterprise Risk Management
ERT - Emergency Response Team
ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning
ESCAP - Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
ESCWA - Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
ESP - Education Sector Plan
ESA - Education Sector Analysis
ESAR - Eastern and Southern African Region
ESARO - Eastern and Southern African Regional Office
EUL - Emergency Use Listing Procedure
EVM - Effective Vaccine Management
EVMA - Effective Vaccine Management Assessment
EVSA - Effective Vaccine Store Assessment
EWEA - Early Warning Early Action
EXD - Executive Directive
EYR - End of Year Report
EYSN - End-Year Summary Narrative


FA - Framework Agreement
FACE - Funding Authorization and Certificate of Expenditure
FAM - Financial Assurance Module
FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FC - Funds Commitment
FDI - Foreign direct investment
FGM/C - Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting
FGD - Focus Group Discussion
FI - Food Item
FIC - Fully Immunized Child
FICSA - Federation of International Civil Servants’ Associations
FIFO - First In First Out
FP - Focal Point
FR - Fund Reservation
FSP - Financial Service Provider
FTIs - Faecally-Transmitted Infections
FWA - Flexible Working Arrangement

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